Personal Naritive

When I got on the ride I was scared, because the ride had a huge hill at the top. After we got on the ride the directer said ” 3,2,1 GO”! Then we were off going zooming over the slopes. ZOOM! ZOOM! ZOOM! Thats the only thing I could hear. Finally we were done with the slopes. When we were done with the slopes we were going up a huge hill. After we got to the top, the rail was pulled up like a bunch of gorillas were pounding it. Then we went backwards. It was Awesome!!! Then we came to a cave we stopped. I thought the ride was stuck. After that a huge yedi shadow came out of the left corner. It had big mucles. Next we went into this dark area, and we went upside down. then we twisted and turned from 1:oo-1:10. Finally we got off. After we got off i said”Lets do it again”.

A Paradise Called Texas

In A Paradise Called Texas my favorite chapter was when Mina and Amaya meet. I like it because I like the detail. The belt I think is pretty cool. Amaya is really sweet. Chief Custaletta is really quiet. That’s why he is so cool. He listens to Mina and what she has to say.

In A Paradise Called Texas my favorite character is Papa. Papa always knows where he is going. He is a leader. Papa is sweet and caring. Papa is an amazing father. I can’t believe Papa, he made me believe in my self. Why is he my favorite? Because I like his attitude and courage.

Checking Soil

The color of our soil is light brown.Our hole is 0cm. deep because we could not get the ruler far enough down, and we rounded.The temperature of the air was 17.9c.The temperature in the hole was 16.6c.It took the water 1.46 sec. to disolve.

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Their habitat is salt water, coral reef, sea cave. The barracudasĀ predators are sharks and people. People do not hunt the barracuda so it is not endangered. They call the barracuda the tiger of the sea.